This website is a project for my GCU 114 class. Included is an insight about the people, history and geography of Brazil with lots of fun facts and Maps. Enjoy!!
    There are several issues of biodiversity related to  idealized threats in cultural diversity.  One of the reason I consider to be an threat is language lost. There is also the loss of indigenous people and life in a material, intellectual and spiritual sense. Landscapes are also being demolished which is an issue to biodiversity and an threat to cultural diversity as well.
     The loss of indigenous people have been occurring for decades now due to violence, war, slavery, forced labor, the spread of diseases, and old age. Indigenous people give  sense of history, identity, belonging and self to different cultures and communities.  The loss of indigenous peoples is an major factor in  the loss of languages spoken today. Another reason is the native language just die out with the history dying with it. According to Wade Davis: Dreams from endangered cultures, there are over 6,000 languages and half of these languages are no longer in use. Landscapes are shaped and modified by human activity and is symbolically brought into human communication by words, stories, songs, and proverbs that connect human relationships with the environment. The loss of landscapes have an effect on some cultural religious beliefs, as well as history.
                The reasons I have given may be wrong due to the fact that demolished landscapes help build new areas for farming and new agricultural projects. The loss of some languages have made other languages like English and Spanish more dominant and accessible for  learning. I wouldn't change my reasons because I know from experience how much an "old place where I used to live" has had an affect on my life. Cultures develop because people adapt to the environment where they live and this is the result of different languages, traditions, customs, knowledge and beliefs that has been passed on from generation to generation.
                Governments should be actively involved in protecting cultural diversity. Governments can provide technical and financial support to under developed countries and their indigenous people by establishing, maintaining, and protecting traditional knowledge and equitable sharing of benefits of each country. Governments can also put limits on the amount of landscapes being used for agricultural and scientific purposes to prevent destruction to homes of  indigenous people and help preserve human relationships to the environment.

Claire Raykovitz
8/2/2013 10:40:24 am

I agree completely with your response. I think that cultural diversity is very important, and should be preserved. I also liked your reasoning for how the government could help us preserve the diversity in cultures. It is really important to make sure our world and in general, the countries stay culturally diverse, because they gain so much knowledge, ideas from the different cultures.

8/3/2013 04:16:34 am

I like how you described the indigenous as giving a "sense of history, identity, belonging and self to different cultures and communities" This isn't something that we usually think of about indigenous people, so I really liked your perspective.

8/3/2013 07:09:54 am

I enjoyed the way that your arguments are very clear and that they state issues that are also important.

Sanya Elliott
8/3/2013 11:39:50 am

I love the examples you provided to support your reasoning. You are completely right towards the fact that indigenous people provide the richest sense of history unlike anyone else. I also agree with you on how the government can provide more financial support in preserving these countries.

Sang Ho Yun
8/3/2013 02:41:41 pm

I like how you researched and use as a evidence. I watched Wade Davis video, but I could not use it from that video. Also I like how you approached to "government should involve or not?". I actually enjoyed to read your post


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    Hello, my name is Denise. I'm a new transfer Student at ASU looking forward to becoming a teacher in the near future. I choose Brazil as an country to research because every postcard or picture I have seen conveyed an idea that it is a peaceful and  beautiful place.


    July 2013

