This website is a project for my GCU 114 class. Included is an insight about the people, history and geography of Brazil with lots of fun facts and Maps. Enjoy!!
    There are several issues of biodiversity related to  idealized threats in cultural diversity.  One of the reason I consider to be an threat is language lost. There is also the loss of indigenous people and life in a material, intellectual and spiritual sense. Landscapes are also being demolished which is an issue to biodiversity and an threat to cultural diversity as well.
     The loss of indigenous people have been occurring for decades now due to violence, war, slavery, forced labor, the spread of diseases, and old age. Indigenous people give  sense of history, identity, belonging and self to different cultures and communities.  The loss of indigenous peoples is an major factor in  the loss of languages spoken today. Another reason is the native language just die out with the history dying with it. According to Wade Davis: Dreams from endangered cultures, there are over 6,000 languages and half of these languages are no longer in use. Landscapes are shaped and modified by human activity and is symbolically brought into human communication by words, stories, songs, and proverbs that connect human relationships with the environment. The loss of landscapes have an effect on some cultural religious beliefs, as well as history.
                The reasons I have given may be wrong due to the fact that demolished landscapes help build new areas for farming and new agricultural projects. The loss of some languages have made other languages like English and Spanish more dominant and accessible for  learning. I wouldn't change my reasons because I know from experience how much an "old place where I used to live" has had an affect on my life. Cultures develop because people adapt to the environment where they live and this is the result of different languages, traditions, customs, knowledge and beliefs that has been passed on from generation to generation.
                Governments should be actively involved in protecting cultural diversity. Governments can provide technical and financial support to under developed countries and their indigenous people by establishing, maintaining, and protecting traditional knowledge and equitable sharing of benefits of each country. Governments can also put limits on the amount of landscapes being used for agricultural and scientific purposes to prevent destruction to homes of  indigenous people and help preserve human relationships to the environment.

               I am neutral in the matter. Globalization can help a county in some sectors as well as hinder a country in areas like Poverty levels. For instance, in Brazil's economic sector globalization has contributed to  Brazil's enormous growth in  foreign direct investments but have had an negative effect on the amazon forest. In the cultural sector cultural free trade have a positive and negative effect on Brazil.
                Brazil is ranked one of the countries that will offer the highest predicted development in the next 25 years. During the past decade Brazil was number two of the emerging economies in the world receiving high levels of foreign direct investment. The economy has changed from being a strong state oriented economy to a more market driven economy model.  In the 1990's and the early 2000's many market reforms within the trade liberalization and privatization markets were made. During that time the country faced economic problems due to high inflation and an unstable economy.  Then the "Real Plan" was introduced in 1994, which was the plan based of fiscal adjustment aimed to avoid many of the problems with inflation and what it bought in terms of economic instability. In the past years Brazil has attracted foreign direct investments and Brazil opened its doors to the foreign direct investments inflow causing the economy to experience an enormous amount of growth. Many of the years the foreign direct investments were restricted and regulated by the government  only to certain sectors. 
               There has been an negative effect from globalization in the Amazon forest.  For more than three decades deforestation has been driven by the expansion of pasture lands for cattle production. Soils found through out the region are poor in nutrients. Also there is  the slashing and burning of forests, and the increasing crop production that cannot be maintained  due to  the degradation of soils and lost vegetation productivity. In the late 1990's multi-national corporations such as Cargill, began investing in infrastructure throughout the south central amazon. New river ports, fertilizers, and mechanization have fueled explosive growth in the crop agricultural sector, especially for soy beans. Soy bean production have become an significant force of economic development in Brazil but has also come at an cost of expansion to non protected forests in the Amazon.
                Cultural free trade is rapidly increasing in Brazil. American pop culture can be found in almost all aspects of Brazil from McDonald's, to blue jeans, and  american films. The filming industry was majorly affected. Many years ago there was an attempt to reduce the number of american films shown in Brazil by the government passing a law imposing that all cinemas should show an higher percentage of Brazilian films. The government subsidies failed because there wasn't an adequate amount of good Brazilian films to show. Brazilian music has never lost its place but everybody knows about Micheal Jackson, Katy Perry, Madonna and other icons of American music. Some native Brazilians protest against the dominance of imported culture in their lives and though they can't control the process they can learn to be more critical and selective as possible.
                 Despite the changes that have occurred men and women do not equally benefit from globalization. In 2010 Brazilian women  applauded the first female Dilma Rousseff  on her huge success in becoming president . Today  women are still excluded from decision making and hope that her success will create public policies for women.  Women are also hoping to claim equal pay, better access and equity in the labor market, political reform that gives an equal playing field and an respectful image in the near future.

 Guigale, M. (2011, 12 16). Globalization: Has it helped or hindered women?. Retrieved from 
Hauge, M. (2011, 08). Globalization in Brazil. Retrieved from
Garret, R., Naylor, R., & Martinelli, L. (2013).Globalization, trade, and environment: The case of brazil. Retrieved from

             In Brazil the main role  of women is to be a caretaker of the home by cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children . The women that chose this role is considered "The Husband Helper." Also known in the Christian faith as "Helper by Design: Gods perfect plan for women in marriage. 
              In the past Brazilian women did not have the same rights as men. Though Brazilian women by law was viewed as children until the 1960s, women received their first right to vote in 1932. Women had to depend on their father or their husbands for everything including asking permission for things such as leaving the country. In 1988 men and women became equal for legal purposes. Today men and women in Brazil enjoy the same legal rights but in the labor market women receive 30% less in pay than men. In 1979 the first female assumed office in the senate. Also 15 years later in 1994, women became candidates for vice president.
              One of the social changes in the country since the 70s have been the growing rate of women in the labor market. Today 23 million women are in the job industry, 40% are urban laborers, 36% are rural laborers. Afro Brazilian women are at an disadvantage due to being employed at lower level factory and domestic service jobs. More and more women today chose to achieve economic independence and contribute to their family budget.
               Brazilian men are considered the primary providers of the families of Brazil. They work to maintain a roof over their families had and to provide needed necessities. It is said to be a belief in Brazil that a mans support and protection greatly increases a woman access to social statues, financial well being, and protection from unwanted male sexual advances.
               Even though women rights and job opportunities have significantly progressed over the past years enabling more women to work and increase the status of the future, The Brazilian law will always view men as the primary providers and the women as the husband helpers.
                Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments about my work. Thank you.


    Hello, my name is Denise. I'm a new transfer Student at ASU looking forward to becoming a teacher in the near future. I choose Brazil as an country to research because every postcard or picture I have seen conveyed an idea that it is a peaceful and  beautiful place.


    July 2013

